My Plan To Reach 5,000,000 Page Views Per Month in 2023


JQMEDIA-Let me reveal my plan and secret strategies ðŸ”¥

1. New SEO Strategy

1- MVC

  1. Email Templates for affiliate martketing
  2. Email Templates for ecommerce
  3. Email Templates for course promotion

2- LLPs

  1. 100 Ways to Play With Kids at home
  2. 121 Best Diet Recipes for 2023
  1. You’re listing out pretty much everything there is to know about a topic in a single post.
  2. There’s an element of curation involved.
  3. and competition is low.
  1. Is this a topic that people care about?
  2. Can I list out at least 100 items about this topic?
  3. Are there any RLLs already out there?

3- Quick Wins

My Keyword Oppurtinities Using Frase

2. Traffic Explosion 2.0

February 2022
October 2022

3. Create 15–24 More Tools and Side Projects

4. Create More Data Studies

  1. Google SERP Analysis
  2. YouTube Search Results Analysis
  3. YouTube Thumbnail Analysis
  4. Bing SERP
  5. Native Ads
  6. Google Ads

5. New Email Marketing Strategy

  1. Reaching the inbox.
  2. A Good Subject line.

6. Creating More Short Videos

  1. Multiple variations of the same topics
  2. Multiple script ideas
  3. Multiple editing strategies.

JQ channel

Nama muzaqi abdillah,usia 27 tahun,jenis kelamin laki-laki,alamat jekulo pukutan rt 01 rw 06 jekulo kudus jawa tengah Indonesia

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