JQMEDIA-When I first felt that I love the process more than the result, I realized that it makes me better at dealing with failures. In the end, who cares about the outcome if you enjoy the process of getting to it, and opposite, if you do not enjoy the process, you will not get the joy of success too.
If you do not love the process you’re up to, you’ve already lost. {…} I love the idea of getting to bying the jets more than buying the jets. {…} - Gary Vaynerchuk
This article is not meant to be a motivational post, the content of it is just based on my personal observations and experience.
We all love when our hard work pays off, but we never know what will be the result in the end, and concentrating too much on the end result, without enjoying the process can disappoint and make us quit. Why? Well, because we are all impatient and want immediate success.
When you go to the gym, after the first workout you will see no change. After the second workout, you will see no change. But if you concentrate on the process and constantly do your best by enjoying it, it will be paid off in the end. You will see the changes in your body.
The process can be too long to wait till the end to get the reward and we may never get it. Considering all this, we must start to love the process no matter the result.
This article is not about “not having the goals”, it’s the opposite. You have to know where you are going and have fun going there. And if you learn how to love the process, failing at the end will not disappoint you, and succeeding will be doubled, as you enjoyed the whole process.
But how to do that, in this impatient world, where we see a lot of successful people around and want to compete? Well, that question has the answer in it.
Never Compete
Never compare yourself with others. First of all, we are all different. You didn’t start equal. You will not end up equal. And you do not measure success equally. For some success means money, for others, it’s power or freedom or accomplishing a goal. Ride your own ride.
Be Patient
Slow down. You need to stop expecting immediate results in what you do and learn to be patient. Impatience is the direct route to depression. Do it slowly, but constantly. Consistency is your friend in this route.
Reward Yourself for Small Achievements
Divide the process into small milestones, and give yourself a reward after completing each of them. Rewarding yourself for small accomplishments can go a long way. If you are in the process of weight loss, do a “Cheat day” and enjoy your beloved cake once in a while. You’ve earned that, fluffy
In recent months I started to feel depressed, lacked the will to do anything, was lazy, and was in a constant bad mood because the business that I had been doing for the past 5 years started to go down. I began to see problems in finding new clients, in leadership, and in relationships with employees. That was the trigger that reminded me to not concentrate too much on the outcome and to return to loving the process. It helps to not give up.
Love what you do, do it constantly, and you’ll get your rewards. If you don’t get it in the end, well, you at least enjoyed the process and didn’t ruin your life by doing something you hate.